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Master Box Ltd.

Master Box Ltd.: Exceptional Model Kits and Figures for Enthusiasts

Master Box Ltd. is a renowned manufacturer of high-quality model kits and figures, specializing in military and civilian subjects. Known for their innovative designs and attention to detail, Master Box offers a diverse range of products that cater to hobbyists of all skill levels. Each kit is crafted to provide an engaging building experience, allowing modelers to create stunning and accurate representations of their chosen subjects. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned builder, Master Box Ltd. is your trusted source for exceptional models that inspire creativity and craftsmanship.

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273 products


'Bloody Atol' Hand-to-hand fight, Tarawa
'Bloody Atol' U.S. Marine Corps Infantry
101th light company.US paratroopers and British tankmen
8th Pennsylv. cavalry,Battle o.Chancello
A Quick Rest.After the Battle,UnionArmy Infantry Sergeant,72nd New York Regiment
Accident. Soviet & German military men,Accident. Soviet & German military men,
Ali- Status Check
Allied Forces. N.Africa desert battles.s
Ancient Greek Miths Series, Satyr
Ancient Greek Myths Series, Perseus
Ancient Greek Myths Series. Trophy
Apache Attack,Indian Wars Series,kit No1
Ashley-Field Interview
At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company's Adventures. Episode IV. We beat them!
At the Ready Brigadier General Bufford's Union Cavalr
Austin Mk.III British armored car1914-18
Austin Mk.IV British armored car,1914-18
Auto-Repair Crew
Master Box Ltd.
Auto-Repair Crew Sale price96,90 DKK
Back off
Master Box Ltd.
Back off Sale price109,00 DKK
Bail Out! Russian Tank Crew Kursk 1943
Bart and Radley (dog) What he really thinks of your car
BMW R75 Sidecar
Master Box Ltd.
BMW R75 Sidecar Sale price149,00 DKK
Bob and Sally
Master Box Ltd.
Bob and Sally Sale price81,90 DKK
Sold outBritische Truppen Caen 1944
British and German cavalrymen,WWI era
British and German soldiers,Somme Battle
British infantry before attack,WWI era
British Infantry North Africa Desert
British infantry weapons, WWII era
British infantry, Somme battle, 1916
British Infantry. Western Europe. 1944-1945
British Paratroopers WWII Operation Market Garden 1944
British Paratroopers WWII Rigid Landing Operation Market Garden 1944
Buffalo Hunter. Running Bear
Bundeswehr,German military men, Present day
Master Box Ltd.
Centauer Sale price109,00 DKK
Charlie on the left!!! Vietnam war kit
Master Box Ltd.
Checkpoint Sale price129,00 DKK
Chuck AKA Nifrath
Citizenry East European WWII era
Civilians, Western region, WWII era
Sold outClaire -Catch Me4 If You Can
Cold Wind
Master Box Ltd.
Cold Wind Sale price129,00 DKK
Commonwealth AFV Crew
Counterattack, Soviet infantry, 1941
Crossroad,Eastern Front, WWII era