Gundam Aerial FULL MECHANICS 1/100
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From the latest Gundam series "Mobile Suit Gundam Witch of Mercury", Gundam Aerial is commercialized in the 1/100 scale standard series "FULL MECHANICS"!
■The 1/100 scale of the main body creates a sense of layered structure that can only be reproduced.
■The shell unit, which was not recreated in HG, produces a light-emitting expression with three-dimensional uneven mechanical modeling and plated parts. The layer structure with the clear exterior realizes a gorgeous parts configuration.
■We adopt slide mechanism to leg. The knee and thigh parts can be moved to follow the movement of the standing knee. The toe parts also have a split structure to reproduce a natural ground contact.
■ The shield can be divided into 11 blocks and deployed as Gambit. It can be connected to various parts of the aircraft, and has a structure as a plastic model original gimmick.
■By using the separately sold Witch of Mercury Weapon Display Base, you can recreate the display with Gambit deployed.
■Hand parts x 1
■Beam saber x 2
■Beam rifle x 1
■Shield x 1
■Effect parts for beam rifle x 1
■Joint parts x 1
■Seal x 1
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Rigtig fedt kit
Gundam Aerial FULL MECHANICS 1/100
dette er mit første ikke hg gunpla kit, så jeg kan selvfølgelig ikke sammenligne med andre modeller i samme størrelsesklasse.
Men jeg er stadig blæst omkuld af hvor fed modellen er. Proportionerne er ikke identiske til anime'en, men føles stadig korrekt, hvis du ikke går tilbage og sammenligne med stills fra serien selv, så ville du tænke at aerial ser mere ud som FM modellen end HG modellen.
Heldigvis for sammenligningen her, så har jeg bygget of ejer bægge aerial HG kits. Og det her kit tog væsentligs længere tid at bygge, men det var ikke så slemt som det virkede da jeg lige havde åbnet kassen og så alle runnerne.
Aerial her har rigtigt mange bevægelige paneler der hjælper med at give plads til bevægligheden af den færdige figur, men det er også ekstremt tilfredsstillende bare at se på leddene bevæge sig når man er færdig.
Mange af mine problemer med HG modellerne er også fikset her synes jeg personligt. På FM kittet er hælen of tæerne en del der bevæger sig sammen, og generelt følels det hele mere solidt. Det er heller ingen brug for at male dele af figuren selv bagefter da alle delene er farveindelt fra farbrikken.
I sidste ende er mit eneste problem kilstermærkerne, de fleste kan komme på uden nogle problemer, men der er dog nogle få der skal sættes på over nogle indhak, hvilket er frustrerende. Selvfølgelig kan man også se hvor klistermærkerne slutter når de er sat på, det kan man også stadig hvis man giver et lag lak bagefter som jeg gjorde.
Jeg vil også være lidt bekymret for om klistermærkerne kunne falde af, hvilket er hvorfor jeg brugte lakken til at starte med.
Jeg kunne også godt have tænkt mig at der kom trigger fingre til bægge hænder samt to åbne hænder i stedet for en.
Fordi det er frustrerende ikke at kunne vælge hvilken hånd Aerial holder sin beam rifle i og at man ikke kan give den et mere afslappet udtryk med bægge hender åbne.
Dog er det stadig et fantastisk kit, det bedste jeg har bygget indtil videre. Hvis du har muligheden for at vælge mellem HG of FM for Aerial, så vælg FM
This is the 1/100 Full Mechanics version of the initial protagonist suit from Gundam Witch From Mercury (G-Witch), piloted by Suletta Mercury.
The 'Full Mechanics' line is a continuation of the 1/100 line, which is more of a scaled up HG line that sometimes feature mobile suits that wouldn't normally get attention (side characters, one-shot antagonists and the like) or an early 1/100 scale protagonist suit where they're testing ideas or gauging interest for a full production Master Grade.
They usually feature a bit more color separation and in some cases MG like details or mechanics (hence 'Full Mechanics') but skimp out on other stuff.
The plastic comes in white, grey, baby blue, pale yellow, saturated red, metallic red, smoky clear and metal injection green for the eyes and read head camera.
The plastic quality is good enough, but feels and looks a little cheaper than on an MG.
The baby blue especially is a little dull, but the metallic red (painted) and smoky clear over it stand out very nicely, it's a great effect and almost everything on the kit is undergated, with no visible nubs!
It's a unique design when compared to the long list of 40 years of Gundams.
This is the second feminine Gundam (that I know of) the previous one being the G-Gundam "Nobel Gundam" (aka Nobell and Noble), which was an overt Sailor Senshi/Moon reference with its school girl sailor uniform design.
While the Aerial doesn't have a skirt and sailor uniform, it does have a pushed forward chest, wasp waist, gigantic thighs and a cutely proportioned head with big eyes, making it have a distinct feminine shape while also looking like a robot (Bumblebee).
The armour skirting is a bit of a joke though and are fully aesthetic.
I say robot, because it doesn't actually look like a mobile suit. Rather than look like a 20 meter tall military weapon (which to be fair is not always the case for mobile suits), this specifically looks like a Build design, which is a recurring difference in the show, such as MS' having one tone colors that are well suited for gunpla (and therefore a Build show), but maybe not so much mobile suits.
It stands in stark contrast to shows like 08th MS Team which is more grounded and mechanically realistic, while the Aerial itself is more of a 'magic technology' sort of machine.
Whether all of this is good or bad is up to you.
While the line is called 'Full Mechanics' it's about as limited as an HG, not as advanced as an MG as the name implies, though that being said it's not a bad kit for posing.
I will say that the single point 90 degree bend on the arms is disappointingly bad (but also the worst I have to say about it).
Apart from that bend, you get full forearm rotation and the shoulders have a 3 point system that lifts a lot and jiggles out a little. I should note here that there are no polycaps, but that the plastic doesn't feel great due to how tight they're on and there's a real stress concern here if you're inconsiderate.
The knees have a double joint, but the thighs are limited in their movement, due to the top of them being around the joint, meaning you can't rotate or lift them much, kind of like ball-in-socket thigh joints from 20 years ago.
The waist has some interesting design in it (the torso lifts and tilts on two points), but unlike the other joints it's not very tight.
Still despite these limitations you can get nice poses out of it, but I'd put it on a stand to get the most out of it.
The main feature of this protagonist MS is the Escutcheon bits system, which is a collection of 11 parts that assemble onto a partsformer part to form a shield.
They can also be mounted on the model as extra armor parts, on the gun to lengthen the barrel or be put on (not included) base stands as free flying bits.
It comes with a beam rifle (which is a bit of a joke and very poorly held), two handles and blades, a large blade for the rifle, 2 fists, 1 left open hand, 1 right rifle hand and two beam holding hands.
The shield has a leftover part, there's 1 base adapter and 2 for bits.
For a 1/100 this is a great kit, but don't mistake it for an MG - It takes as long to build as an HG does.
I don't find the bits-on-the-gundam convincing at all and having them as a shield is in my opinion the only way to go. It's a clever idea that's only just well enough executed, but lacks finesse.
This really is a 'Build' design more than a proper Gundam in my opinion, but it'll look as nice on the shelf as the others. I expect a full MG within five years. Would recommend.
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Rigtig fedt kit
Gundam Aerial FULL MECHANICS 1/100
dette er mit første ikke hg gunpla kit, så jeg kan selvfølgelig ikke sammenligne med andre modeller i samme størrelsesklasse.
Men jeg er stadig blæst omkuld af hvor fed modellen er. Proportionerne er ikke identiske til anime'en, men føles stadig korrekt, hvis du ikke går tilbage og sammenligne med stills fra serien selv, så ville du tænke at aerial ser mere ud som FM modellen end HG modellen.
Heldigvis for sammenligningen her, så har jeg bygget of ejer bægge aerial HG kits. Og det her kit tog væsentligs længere tid at bygge, men det var ikke så slemt som det virkede da jeg lige havde åbnet kassen og så alle runnerne.
Aerial her har rigtigt mange bevægelige paneler der hjælper med at give plads til bevægligheden af den færdige figur, men det er også ekstremt tilfredsstillende bare at se på leddene bevæge sig når man er færdig.
Mange af mine problemer med HG modellerne er også fikset her synes jeg personligt. På FM kittet er hælen of tæerne en del der bevæger sig sammen, og generelt følels det hele mere solidt. Det er heller ingen brug for at male dele af figuren selv bagefter da alle delene er farveindelt fra farbrikken.
I sidste ende er mit eneste problem kilstermærkerne, de fleste kan komme på uden nogle problemer, men der er dog nogle få der skal sættes på over nogle indhak, hvilket er frustrerende. Selvfølgelig kan man også se hvor klistermærkerne slutter når de er sat på, det kan man også stadig hvis man giver et lag lak bagefter som jeg gjorde.
Jeg vil også være lidt bekymret for om klistermærkerne kunne falde af, hvilket er hvorfor jeg brugte lakken til at starte med.
Jeg kunne også godt have tænkt mig at der kom trigger fingre til bægge hænder samt to åbne hænder i stedet for en.
Fordi det er frustrerende ikke at kunne vælge hvilken hånd Aerial holder sin beam rifle i og at man ikke kan give den et mere afslappet udtryk med bægge hender åbne.
Dog er det stadig et fantastisk kit, det bedste jeg har bygget indtil videre. Hvis du har muligheden for at vælge mellem HG of FM for Aerial, så vælg FM
This is the 1/100 Full Mechanics version of the initial protagonist suit from Gundam Witch From Mercury (G-Witch), piloted by Suletta Mercury.
The 'Full Mechanics' line is a continuation of the 1/100 line, which is more of a scaled up HG line that sometimes feature mobile suits that wouldn't normally get attention (side characters, one-shot antagonists and the like) or an early 1/100 scale protagonist suit where they're testing ideas or gauging interest for a full production Master Grade.
They usually feature a bit more color separation and in some cases MG like details or mechanics (hence 'Full Mechanics') but skimp out on other stuff.
The plastic comes in white, grey, baby blue, pale yellow, saturated red, metallic red, smoky clear and metal injection green for the eyes and read head camera.
The plastic quality is good enough, but feels and looks a little cheaper than on an MG.
The baby blue especially is a little dull, but the metallic red (painted) and smoky clear over it stand out very nicely, it's a great effect and almost everything on the kit is undergated, with no visible nubs!
It's a unique design when compared to the long list of 40 years of Gundams.
This is the second feminine Gundam (that I know of) the previous one being the G-Gundam "Nobel Gundam" (aka Nobell and Noble), which was an overt Sailor Senshi/Moon reference with its school girl sailor uniform design.
While the Aerial doesn't have a skirt and sailor uniform, it does have a pushed forward chest, wasp waist, gigantic thighs and a cutely proportioned head with big eyes, making it have a distinct feminine shape while also looking like a robot (Bumblebee).
The armour skirting is a bit of a joke though and are fully aesthetic.
I say robot, because it doesn't actually look like a mobile suit. Rather than look like a 20 meter tall military weapon (which to be fair is not always the case for mobile suits), this specifically looks like a Build design, which is a recurring difference in the show, such as MS' having one tone colors that are well suited for gunpla (and therefore a Build show), but maybe not so much mobile suits.
It stands in stark contrast to shows like 08th MS Team which is more grounded and mechanically realistic, while the Aerial itself is more of a 'magic technology' sort of machine.
Whether all of this is good or bad is up to you.
While the line is called 'Full Mechanics' it's about as limited as an HG, not as advanced as an MG as the name implies, though that being said it's not a bad kit for posing.
I will say that the single point 90 degree bend on the arms is disappointingly bad (but also the worst I have to say about it).
Apart from that bend, you get full forearm rotation and the shoulders have a 3 point system that lifts a lot and jiggles out a little. I should note here that there are no polycaps, but that the plastic doesn't feel great due to how tight they're on and there's a real stress concern here if you're inconsiderate.
The knees have a double joint, but the thighs are limited in their movement, due to the top of them being around the joint, meaning you can't rotate or lift them much, kind of like ball-in-socket thigh joints from 20 years ago.
The waist has some interesting design in it (the torso lifts and tilts on two points), but unlike the other joints it's not very tight.
Still despite these limitations you can get nice poses out of it, but I'd put it on a stand to get the most out of it.
The main feature of this protagonist MS is the Escutcheon bits system, which is a collection of 11 parts that assemble onto a partsformer part to form a shield.
They can also be mounted on the model as extra armor parts, on the gun to lengthen the barrel or be put on (not included) base stands as free flying bits.
It comes with a beam rifle (which is a bit of a joke and very poorly held), two handles and blades, a large blade for the rifle, 2 fists, 1 left open hand, 1 right rifle hand and two beam holding hands.
The shield has a leftover part, there's 1 base adapter and 2 for bits.
For a 1/100 this is a great kit, but don't mistake it for an MG - It takes as long to build as an HG does.
I don't find the bits-on-the-gundam convincing at all and having them as a shield is in my opinion the only way to go. It's a clever idea that's only just well enough executed, but lacks finesse.
This really is a 'Build' design more than a proper Gundam in my opinion, but it'll look as nice on the shelf as the others. I expect a full MG within five years. Would recommend.
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